Becoming a
WOW Company
True Hospitality is the key to delivering exceptional service for companies and organizations operating in any industry. By adhering the value and power of True Hospitality, organizations can understand the fundamental principle of making people feel welcomed and at home in unfamiliar surroundings. The lessons and inspirations on True Hospitality help service personnel comprehend that delivering outstanding service is not based on luck, but rather on a tried-and-true formula that propels them to a higher level of Hospitality expertise. Implementing the Lessons of Hospitality sets organizations on the path to becoming a WOW-Company, known for delivering superior customer experiences and making a lasting impression.
This is why we do what we do.
The art of
True Hospitality
True Hospitality
in our digital society
“The art of True Hospitality is crucial in our digital society, organizations. It is what defines us as humans living in harmony with one another. Without Hospitality, everything would look bleak and uninviting. Every person who enters a new environment, whether it be a new country, community, organization, or family needs a warm welcome by a host. However, creating a hospitable atmosphere requires effort and dedication, as well as a commitment to the principles of True Hospitality. Let’s join hands and work together to make the world a more welcoming and hospitable place by embracing the Law of True Hospitality.”
Luc van Bussel

Gastgevers in Geluk
‘Gastgevers in Geluk’ is a revealing story about the mystery of heartwarming Hospitality. The book takes the reader to The Magic Hotel in Hawaii and explains its success in seven steps. The result is returning guests: guests who don’t want to go home anymore. Luc van Bussel gives service a new, deeper meaning and introduces new concepts such as reachable, palpable, listening, resolving, surprising, pampering and backward-looking. The book is the best proof that people cannot live without each other and that face-to-face meetings are the real connection in a digital society. ‘Gastgevers in Geluk’ is an ode to people in the service sector and a manual for managers looking for returning guests or customers.
In the book, twenty-nine striking guest writers share their vision on hospitality. They complete the book and give the reader a broad view of the world of Hospitality.