Bruno Rouffaer
We write 1971, Monaco, Monte Carlo
I was invited by my godmother to stay for a 2-weeks holiday at her lovely big appartement overlooking the bay of Monaco. But instead of returning, I opened the Nice Matin newspaper and looked for a job, sixteen, and finished my first year in the hotel school in Brussels. I already spoke 3 languages and presented myself at the reception of Hotel La Reserve Suisse at avenue Princess Grace. I asked the friendly receptionist if I could speak to the manager. He answered: “I´m”. We spoke for 1 hour and he engaged me as an apprentice for his hotel-restaurant, earning 20 box a day, working from 6 am till 10 pm. I didn’t care, I wanted to learn.
We write 2023, 52 years later
Thousands of onions cutting later, I’m still in the hospitality business. After I finished my restaurant and hotel studies, I got my Masters in labor sociology and it was, after years in the industry, the beginning of my career as an international coach-consultant, working for Accor, Hilton-Conrad, Holiday Inn, and so many more hotel & restaurant businesses next to banks, insurance companies, heavy industries, etc.
Living in Peru-Lima since 2014, I organize 5-days culinary top-trend tours for chefs in Lima´s world top restaurants (Central, Kjolle, Merito, La Picanteria, Limana, Fiesta, Isolina,.... food markets, workshops…. Etc.)
The combination of the hospitality industry and my academic work as sociologist inspired me of using my onion as the metaphor of the human being: outside hard, but once you start peeling it, all the layers represent your life: your ancestors, your family, your kids, your dearest friends, your ups and downs…. And the most, soft inner layers represent your values in life.
Over the last decade I was an international keynote speaker on Leadership, my topic. There is this expression: “shit always runs downs”. If the top of a company, big or small, represents bad leadership, it will go down to your customer! So, over these years I concentrated my work on creating leadership happiness, to create a feeling of belonging, to create inspiring values and enthusiastic people who WANT to work with you instead of MUST work for you. No happiness on the work floor, no happiness for your customers. It´s as simple as that. During my keynotes and workshops, I open the box of pandora and fill it with leadership happiness.
In 2025 more than 50% of the world population will consist millenniums, Generation Z,… . For the first time in human history they are faced with the 4 other generations in the companies. Their reality is a reality thru internet, smart phones, social networking, learning on distance, e learning, worldwide communities…. These younger generations have other ambitions and expectations, far beyond we can imagine. They don’t believe anymore in “the old style of leadership 1,0” They want to stay connected with family, friends, professional relations through their networks, 24 hours a day…. So, what will be the new leadership style 2.0 they expect? Today it’s a war for talents, not for competencies. These younger generations desire a more collaborative leadership style, they need an UNBOSSED work environment. What are the talents of the future? The hard skills will become the soft skills, and the soft skills will become the hard skills.
Unboss your Company
On Colobarative Leadership with a Purpose
How to to survive as leader in the next decade
Today it’s a war for talents, not for competencies. All generations, young and old, desire a more collaborative leadership style, they need an UNBOSSED work environment. Which are these talents of the future? The hard skills will become the soft skills, and the soft skills will become the hard skills. The change in leadership style is inevitable, change or die!
Bruno's Keynote
In 2025 more than 50% of the world population will consist millenniums, Generation Z,… . For the first time in human history they are faced with the 4 other generations in the companies. Their reality is a reality thru internet, smart phones, social networking, learning on distance, e learning, worldwide communities….
These younger generations have other ambitions and expectations, far beyond we can imagine. They don’t believe anymore in “the old style of leadership 1,0” They want to stay connected with family, friends, professional relations through their networks, 24 hours a day…. So, what will be the new leadership style 2.0 they expect?
Today it’s a war for talents, not for competencies. These younger generations desire a more collaborative leadership style, they need an UNBOSSED work environment. What are the talents of the future? The hard skills will become the soft skills, and the soft skills will become the hard skills.
What to expect
I wrote my first international successful book around this principle of great “onion”-leadership: “NO WAY, Big Bad Boss Era Is over, Humility-Integrity-Trust”. Published first in 2013 and being ranked between the top5 management books in the lower lands (Netherland & Belgium) and translated into English, Spanish and Portuguese. The last years I continued to write books: “Self-awareness in times of COVID19-crisis, a self-coaching guide to happiness”, with my NGO-partner in Lima, Children of Lima: “Everybody wins, Healthy Altruïsm as a weapon against extreme poverty”. And recently a children’s book “The Adventures of Pim & Pam”. I participated as co-author in many books over the last decades and feel honored to have been invited to write a piece in Luc´s book “Gastgevers in Geluk”.
From his talented presentation skills that he inherited from his father (who was a well-known actor) Bruno is able to explain through practical real life business examples the new way of leading. Moving from an authoritarian way of working to the participative leader, where emotional qualities are far more important to coach the new generations.
The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say ‘thank you’. In between the leader is a servant.
It is no longer good enough simply to do the same things in a different way. The moment has arrived when only real change will do. And yes, you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. But as Bruno so lucidly points out, the successful leaders of tomorrow will be those who dare to play the ‘Power of diversity’ card. There is still hope!
Away with the traditional image of the arrogant and superior boss; the time has come for healthy leadership.
Some impressions