‘The notes of hospitality’

'The notes of hospitality'

Hitting the right chord

‘The notes of hospitality’

Hospitality is more than offering a handshake at the door or a cup of coffee. It is an art that is deeply rooted in empathy, attention and the sincere desire to make the other person feel at home. Striking the right chord in hospitality means that you don’t just look, but really see. It’s the difference between superficial politeness and an authentic connection. But how do you achieve that? What do you say and don’t say to put someone at ease? And what actions make someone feel truly welcome and seen?

What do you say and don’t say?

Hospitality is all about the language of sincerity and respect. What you say can make a world of difference. It starts with listening – not only to the words, but also to the underlying emotions. When a guest comes in, don’t just ask how their trip was, but show genuine interest in their experience. For example, ask, “What surprised you on the way here?” or “What can we do to make your stay more enjoyable?” These are questions that not only elicit an answer, but also show that you are interested in the person themselves, not just their presence. What you don’t say is just as important. Avoid clichéd compliments or standard questions.

What do you do and don’t do?

Actions often speak louder than words in hospitality. To delight and delight people, you have to go a step further than what is expected. This could be something small, like offering them their favorite drink upon arrival because you remembered their preference from last time. It could also mean offering a quiet place to someone who seems stressed or spending extra time with a guest who clearly needs a listening ear. What you don’t do is equally important. Don’t impose yourself or be overly present.

How do you make the trade-off?

The trade-off in hospitality is made by seeing, not just looking. Seeing means really paying attention to the little cues, the nuances in posture, the tone of voice, and even the silence between words. It means being present in the moment and opening yourself up to the other person’s needs and wants. This calls for an attitude of curiosity and wonder. Instead of acting out of routine, you should see every interaction as an opportunity to learn something new about the guest. Asking questions and showing interest are essential parts of this process.

Wonder: The real magic of hospitality

Wonder is the magic that makes hospitality truly special. It is the willingness to be surprised by the other person and to open yourself up to the unexpected. When you look at your guests with wonder, you see more than just the person standing in front of you; You see their story, their desires and their needs. And that is precisely where the poser lies to strike the right chord with ‘the notes of hospitality’.

9 September 2024 |
